Hello there, how are you doing today? Um, for one I know you didn't answer that question but I will like to think you are faring alright, I am doing well also, thank you for asking. Wait you didn't ask?
Anyways I welcome you wonderful person to my blog, my name is Daniel and I blog about things that could generally be chiseled away by norms. Topics could be ranging from society and how its decisions can affect people to human decisions and how it can affect our society to ideologies that are strange yet adopted to asking seemingly hard questions about us and life in general and trying to arrive at an answer. Hopefully those makes sense?
Quick disclaimer, I am not close to any individual that could be authorized to be saying some of the things we might stumble upon in this blog, i.e if I make a piece about money or social problem; I am not an authorized financial adviser or a guardian and counselor, so take each piece and scrutinize it within yourself and ask your God for real and truthful truths. The intention is to challenge you to becoming a better person, I hope? Well enough of plenty stories, you are here now, enjoy. : )