It is true that a few governs the many; the minority mindset that rules the majority. Part of the reason for this is that there are few people doing things in contrast to the rest persons. Instead of trying to fit in, they emphasis on standing out. You get a reward for your uniqueness and not your similarity. If the world can not spot you in the midst of the crowd then there is no need for it to meet your needs. The world is brimming with people with supposed enlightenment especially the younger generation; people who appear learned but can not produce what learned people produce, people who appear ‘woke’ but have been stimulated into a deep slumber which is evident in their response to life and its fiery challenges. Everybody has something to say about everything and as a consumer, you are adrift. Hearing 30 persons giving 30 contrasting answers to one question is burdensome and can lead one into poor decisions. If you want to make an impact in your society, you must be willing to stack up against the mass. You must be willing to hold fast to your values. You must be willing to contend with the oppositions. 

Where It All Begins


           Questions are important. Asking tough questions are more important. You must begin to ask tough questions about the things of life. Is this all there is? Why must evil prevail? Are your priorities now, going to matter when you are in your mid 50s? The things you hold to be true today, how did you get to know them? Who taught you the ways of life? Should you be flippant towards people? If you die today, what will count? Can anything good come out of the present decaying situation? Many questions are being asked, few are being answered and even fewer are being answered right. One way to emerge from the herd is not only by asking tough questions but by implementing truthful answers. The society have unanswered questions but because a system is in place to stifle out any desire to question the status quo, it seems people have been pampered into subduing those questions and acting as though everything is well even when deep down, everybody knows something is wrong somewhere. You must begin to ask tough questions today as this will help you not to be among the majority ruled by the minority.


Where It All Begins


            Why are the majority wrong? Simple, because people are afraid. Scared of the uncertainty of standing out because in that space, you are all alone. Scared of the social awkwardness it brings; saying or acting outside a trend brands you with all sorts of negative gestures from people. Due to the underlying mindset to fit in, the “If you cannot beat them, join them” mindset was born. You should understand that is a slogan for the weak because you are not going give up on your aspirations. We have instances where people who once stood for THIS is now standing for THAT - shifting grounds at the expense of truth. People will try to call you back to order when you decide to take up the initiative to speak up on something wrong. Part of the reason is because speaking up reminds people they are doing something wrong. Humans do not like being told they are wrong, they want to believe they are always right. It is a psychological torment for us to accept our wrongs and will do everything to prove we are not even when we are. Think about the times your parents confronted you on something you did wrong especially in front of your siblings and you had to put up an attitude to manage the situation, It is not that you were not aware of your wrong doing. It is that feeling of being told that you are wrong that is encouraging you to come up many lines and scenarios to justify and prove your innocence. There is nothing wrong in accepting the fact that submission to correction is not a sign of pettiness or weakness. The earlier humanity comes to know that there is nothing treacherous in being wrong the better, and that is true.



Ways To Stand Out


Taking Root Deep Into The Soil


            The hard times are closing up on people, life has customized phases of life for everyone designed to try their beliefs. Yours will not be an exemption. When those times come, it is what is in you that will keep you standing and not what is outside. More than a purpose or vision, you should have a strong nonnegotiable reason why you will not shift grounds when the hard times come. You should want to be successful not because you want to have money, but because you need enough resources to get you where you can make a change. It is true people have different reasons for wanting to be successful, but there should be an underlying value to the society one's success should bring. You need something tangible to convince the world to channel resources your way. The world has a million reason why you should not move forward, that is why drawing strength from the inside and having a system to keep you going during the ups and downs is important. Hanging unto the promises of the world is suicidal and you should not see it as an option if you want to go far.


Going For Truths Rather Than Trends



            There is an obsession with the current generation to feel among. Our speech, fashion style, choice of words and media consumption and even many more are all affected by the need to ‘belong’ The society rewards those that are inside its system, and it does not care if you are under qualified or not. To promote its system it chooses to lift those who abides by its rules and hunt those who does not. An obvious terrible man who is trend abiding wins an election as opposed to the obvious good candidate who is not trend abiding, those who are coarse gets more attention and some times gifts more than those who are not. Replacing meritocracy with mediocrity and sponsoring people with questionable lifestyles. This in itself is enough reason to want to “belong” I mean, why go through the process of wealth acquisition when you can quickly dupe someone on the internet and call it hustling. Standing out will obligate that you develop the stamina to disregard trends that does not have any positive impact on men and go for the truth. On the other side of the coin, when you go for the trends instead, you will be grouped in with the rest many people who have decided to go for the trends too, and in that process you loose your uniqueness.


Being Financially Stable 

            This one is a bit controversial. Is money needed to stand out? No. Is poverty needed to stand out? No. I included this because wealth especially when it is in abundance is an amplifier. You will need to talk an act thrice as much as you would normally do when you do not have financial stability. The moment people know you to be prosperous, it seems as though they lack the ability to vet anything you say. They agree upon everything you say and tend to follow suit. Unlike a not so financially stable man who will need to fight complex first before convincing the world that he or she has something tangible to present. Do not allow anybody to convince you that the pursuit for money is not godly, it is only the means or mode or reason for the pursuit that can be ungodly. It is natural for humans to desire greatness, and wealth does have a role to play when you have a truth to propagate. It is possible to be rich and still be godly and responsible, the reason why we believe rich men are crooks is because most if not all the rich men we have come across has something bad attached to them and if you see it long enough it can translate into something we deeply believe to be true regardless of it being untrue. Wealth is a big projector for our desires, no wonder the world is influenced by the little that has much. You can see it as a catalyst to creating a positive change, not entirely necessary to have before you can create a change but people listen more to those who have what everybody seems to be looking for which is money. You can read about how to attract resources here.



            It does take tremendous courage to stand out and move in directions unprecedented. People will be quick to call you back to the fold and cause you to question your own beliefs. Standing tall when everyone is kneeling, fighting when everyone has decided to throw in the towel is what can sprout you out from the herd. Human beings have a habit of succumbing when they realize you are not giving up on what you stand for, the secret weapon should be perseverance. This is not to say you are not going to be questioned, men in their nature hates anything that threatens their predictability, take note of the word hate. They would rather go through the forest that is with scorpions and vipers and dragons than go through the road that is unknown to them. This does not suggest that they do not want something better, they do but don’t like things they can not understand. An understandable forest with predators is a safer bet to men than a road with zero threat but not understandable. If they can not calculate it, they are likely to fight it. The purity of gold is tried by fire and you should see the backlashes provided by men as that fire trying your golden innovation and stance. Your decision to chatter a different pathway than your peers will come with temporary oppositions that will challenge your convictions, be strong and embrace its challenges, the challenges does not mean you are wrong, rather a necessary face in birthing something glorious. The time to act is now.


  1. When there is a genuine reason to stand out, especially when it is in accord with one's purpose in life, then there is no reason why such a person shouldn't irrespective of the challenges.

    It is always worth the while at the end.

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you, am glad you took something out of it.

  2. It's sad good stuffs like don't get much traction or engagement. Well done, again. ☺️

  3. I found this both interesting and helpful.

    Well done


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