Should We Loose Hope?



a.)     Is there still hope? Our world seems to have been broken beyond repair. Everyone is running to and fro trying to do this or that, hopes are being shattered, dreams are being abandoned. Families are being broken, government is steadily lying to its people, but, should we give up? Someone advised that we should limit our expectations because life is full of disappointments; wow. First of all life doesn’t actually owe you anything, if you want something, go and get it and depart from self entitlement. Secondly limiting your expectation is a disaster for mediocrity and we don’t wanna be mediocre, or do you? So, advising that we limit our expectation not because the world is ending tomorrow but because life is full of disappointments is an attack from a strange personnel, and the earlier we arrest that thought and cast it out of our minds the better. We shouldn't limit our visions because of life and its unavoidable calamities, rather we should refine ourselves to the point where we are calamity proof and one of the ways of achieving this is the transformation of the mind.


b.)     A man is as everything concerning his life as his mind, there is no limit to what is possible with a man in as much as his mind can carry it. Sadly our infinite capabilities hasn’t been explored for peace as much as it has been explored for war. Sometime in this country was reigning a dance step that required you to fall down once in a while. Let’s think about the person that invented that dance on what exactly he was thinking about before he stumbled upon the revelation that a creature according to the image of God needs to fall flat  as a dance step. There is no limit to what he can do, he can wake up one morning and think the invention of a sex doll will be innovative, what!? So, our minds are very crucial, it is the bedrock of our visions and goals and aspirations. Almost every influential notable person including the ones we don't admire have told us that their present lifestyle started in their mind years ago, let’s assume that we found a torch that can x-ray your mind now, what do you think we are going to find? And just in case you want to because of this question and presently want to start thinking good thoughts, eh as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. So we don’t even need that torch, we can view your innermost thoughts by viewing your likes and dislikes , your favorite TV shows, your browser history, your text messages and all those things that survives in your space, because if compatibility exists, it is only because both party thrives in that environment.


C.)     So what gives, should we abandon hope because everything in our lives says so. The films we watch have good people suffer while the wicked prospers, games we play have the main character fight(Hustle) many levels(Times) to be strong enough to fight the antagonist who still has more strength than someone who’s been struggling from level 1 to level 30. What then, should we loose hope? No we shouldn’t. If we want to conquer on foot we must first conquer in our individual minds by cultivating our goals and life aspirations there.


Ways To Nurture Your Mind

     Our mind is like a fertile ground that can germinate any seed whatsoever. So our mind doesn't decide what goes in or out, that is our responsibility. We can become exceptional by cultivating and nurturing the right seeds. Below are a few ways to nurture your minds.


ü Through the word of God

ü Through a confined exposure.

ü Through healthy consistent meditation.


Through The Word Of GOD


Though not conventional, the word of God is key to the transformation of our mind. It is important we go to our creator and ask Him who we are and not have need for a motivational speaker telling us we can be anything we set our mind to over and over again. The reason why the word of God needs to be imputed into us is because of our mind, remember we are trying to restructure our mind, if we keep feeding our mind with philosophies not backed by the word of God, it is already a clear indication that something must go wrong. So some people believe that ‘anyway way na way,’ just writing it alone sounds weird to me, anyway na way meaning there is more than one way to your destiny just in case God decides to delay, there is more than one way to a good grade and if your brain decides to forget what you read any way na...?? and we apply this in everyday of our lives. We enter relationships with manipulation and sustain it with manipulation, we attempt to arrive at wealth through any means possible because any way na way. Please anyway is not way, only Jesus is the way, every other road is false, let us tell ourselves the truth. If we keep massaging these lies, very soon our children will come and join us so the word of God is vital in constructing out belief system and we must know that in order not to give up on ourselves when God hasn't.


Confined Exposure


      This is important because one of the ways our minds are being shaped is through what we see and hear. That is why most of us believe every muslim must be a terrorist, not because we have interviewed all but that is what our western movies teaches us. If you listen to the news 24hrs 7 days a week, due to its constant negativity, you’ll be down cast. So it is very important we consider the kinds of media content we consume on a day to day basis. In the past, I have smacked my sisters quite a few times because when we were growing, wrestling was one of our main form of entertainment and so through constant exposure to those kinds of content we would often pick our characters and wrestle for recreation, can you imagine doing at home what was advised not to be done at home as recess, that instruction was already ignored because of consistent exposure. The internet allows our mind to travel to any part of the world anytime any day, and because of the vast library of content we can binge on, often at times we get lost in search of direction, hence the need for Confined Exposure. If we ask, how many times have you watched videos or browsed anything related to your passions and goals and destiny now, what will be the answer? or is it only netflix you use your data to do? Confined exposure is suppose to define the boundaries of our exposure, so depending on the direction you want your mind to be tilted to, you should construct what you get exposed to on that lane or else distortions is inevitable, so when you are towards the end of your life, we can not say if you are a Dr or a lawyer or a Dr of the law. Confined exposure.




Finally, meditation. This is a powerful key that we must not overlook. If you read about buddha, you’ll find out that it was through meditation he found whatever it is he found and currently there are app. 550 million followers of buddha, meaning this young man meditated 550 million persons into a belief. What are you meditating on, because he did not reply your chat you are doing vigil now and can't sleep, you are meditating on what exactly you said, maybe if you added please he'd have replied. Your mind is garbage in garbage out, if you sow twitter in your mind, it is still twitter you'll reap. When others are reaping fellowship with God, progress, abundance, peace, strength and might, tenacity, you are reaping twitter, say not me in Jesus name, we will sleep well please. Listen, our mind is powerful. If you train your mind into success inevitably with the proper steps you’ll arrive there and the same applies for mediocrity. The bible said that Mary ‘cast in her mind’ what manner of salutation she received from the angel and until she did that she did not get the rest of the revelation. God has told you you’ll be successful but have you cast that into your mind to receive the rest of the key? He has told you that you are the light of the world but have you cast that into your mind to receive the key? We shouldn't despise this. Yes it could be challenging at first because of our 'always in motion minds' but we can start cultivating the art little by little. Learning how to meditate on things that matter is mind transforming.


Tell me, what is making you keep hope alive? What other important keys or process do you think should be considered to keep hope alive and nurture the mind? Drop your comments in the comment section, thank you. 🙏


  1. Just what I was looking for. Thank you

  2. I think direction can help one keep hope alive. Like it should be hard to loose hope when you really know the benefits of where you are going too. Nice one sire!


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